Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Israeli Intelligence Agency Uses Blogs to Recruit

The Shin Bet, Israel's notorious spy agency known for its covert operations and elite status, has started using blogs in order to recruit personnel. Once, the only way individuals joined the Shin Bet was by knowing someone involved who got them connected to the right people. As technology has changed, however, the Shin Bet is spending more time on IT operations in order access information about people and they have a need for skilled IT personnel. They started a blog in which 4 agents write about their careers in the Shin Bet, and are basically advertising the agency by discussing how they are able to work on diverse projects, the place is family friendly, and they feel good serving their country. I guess the web difference affects even the most secretive, elite security agencies...


web difference said...

A blog like that has to be heavily monitored to prevent the disclosure of state secrets, but you can't blame them for trying to take advantage of an exploding medium.

Anonymous said...

A blog is really fantastic.Overall thought is appreciate able...
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